
Association of Bowling Codes Safeguarding Panel (ABCSP)

Constitution and Rules



  1. The title of the organisation shall be called The Association of Bowling Codes Safeguarding Panel (ABCSP) hereinafter referred to as THE PANEL.
  2. The Panel is the body responsible for all matters relating to the Protection of Children and At Risk Adults who participate in the various codes of the Sport of Bowls ("Family of Bowls"). It represents the entire National Governing Bodies (NGBs) referred to in paragraph 14 below.


  1. To design and develop policies on behalf of the NGBs for the protection of children.
  2. To encourage such protection policies and procedures to be equally applied for safeguarding the welfare of vulnerable adults.
  3. To encourage the adoption of policies and procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults by member county associations, clubs and affiliated bodies.
  4. To design protocols, guidelines and template forms for use with agreed policy procedures and encourage their use by officials, coaches, umpires and others.
  5. To identify, recommend and facilitate relevant education and training strategies.
  6. To identify, recommend and facilitate suitable accreditation and disclosure procedures for personnel and provide an enquiry service on matters relating to the protection of children and vulnerable adults.
  7. To advise on the keeping of records and data which, in the opinion of The Panel are necessary for the conduct of the duty of care and provide information to relevant authorities as required.
  8. To establish and maintain links with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU), other national child and vulnerable adult protection agencies and governing body executive committees.
  9. To monitor and review established policies and procedures in liaison with the NSPCC, Sport England and other agencies in order to ensure that such policies and procedures conform to best practice.
  10. To do all such thing which, in the opinion of The Panel, are required to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults in the sport.

Membership and Structure

  1. Members nominated by the NGBs must not be paid employees if the Panel is to retain its independence
    1. The Panel should be able to co-opt any individual with specific expertise in an advisory capacity. This person will have no voting rights
    2. Each NBG must follow the policies as laid down by the Panel
  2. Membership of the Panel shall consist of representatives from the following NGBs:
    1. British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA), [or successor in title] 1 member with full voting rights
    2. English Bowling Federation (EBF), / English Women’s Bowling Federation (EWBF), 1 member with full voting rights
    3. English Short Mat Bowling Association (ESMBA), 1 member with full voting rights
  3. In addition, the following bodies are invited to send a single representative to meetings of the Panel:
    1. English Bowls Coaches Society (EBCS),
    2. English Bowls Umpires Association (EBUA),
    3. Association of Bowling Codes (ABC)
  4. Each participating body is to notify the details of its representative to The Panel’s Chairman or Secretary.
  5. Each member of The Panel is entitled to a single vote. However, when NGB policy matters are being voted on only NGB representatives may vote.
  6. Officers of The Panel (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be elected from the membership. Each post must be re-elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the representatives on The Panel. A quorum shall consist of 2 NGB voting members.


  1. The Panel shall convene at regular intervals on dates and venues as decided by the Chairman. The Secretary shall notify all those entitled, or required, to attend any such meeting giving as much notice as possible.
  2. Should a nominated delegate be unable to attend any meeting, the relevant body may nominate a deputy as observer and should inform The Panel’s Chairman or Secretary of the individual’s details in advance of the meeting.
  3. In the absence of the Chairman the Chair shall be taken by another Member of the Management Committee as agreed by those present for that meeting only.
  4. The Panel reserves the right to appoint any Sub-Committees as necessary and to appoint membership of any Sub-Committee from any expert source as seen most appropriate for the task.
  5. All NGBs recognise that the Panel representatives act in an independent capacity and are the Independent Case Management Group for the Association in relation to Safeguarding issues.
  6. The AGM is to be held within three months of The Panel’s financial year end at a venue to be determined by the Chairman. Any motions for consideration at the AGM are to be received by the Secretary by the end of January. The Secretary is to provide all member bodies with details of the Agenda and venue, together with details of any motions to be considered, at least four weeks in advance of the meeting.

Financial Arrangements

  1. Bank Accounts. The Panel will establish appropriate Bank Accounts. The signature of any two Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) will be required on all bank transactions.
  2. Finance
    1. Each of the national bodies shall be responsible for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by it’s representatives.
    2. The Panel may request funding from each national body to meet other commitments, and shall provide a statement of affairs in support as appropriate.
    3. The Panel may apply for grant aid, sponsorship or other financial assistance to achieve its aims.
    4. The Financial Year will end on 31st December each year. The Treasurer is required to provide audited accounts to the AGM for approval.


  1. In the event of dissolution, any funds remaining after the discharge of debts and liabilities shall be returned to the member national bodies in proportion to their contribution.

Constitution amended at March 2012 AGM and set up meetings of the Association of Bowling Codes.

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