
Emailing - Safeguarding Guidelines

Email can be effective way to help help remind young people about the sport and activity sessions that they may have signed up to, and promote additional activities. The significant benefit of text messaging is that it is not only cheap, but it is one of the most direct forms of communication as most young people have mobile phones with Email "Apps" as well as computer access (either at home or in Internet Cafes).

It is therefore hoped that email messaging will help to

  • attract more young people to sessions, activities and clubs
  • improve retention rates
  • effectively signpost young people to other high quality accreditated activities and other events

    For children and young people the safeguarding risks associated with emailing include

  • inappropriate access to, using or sharing of personal details (eg names, mobile phone numbers)
  • unwanted contact with children/young people by adults with poor intent;
  • being sent offensive or otherwise inappropriate materials
  • online bullying by peers
  • grooming for sexual abuse
  • direct contact and actual abuse

    For adults involved risks include

  • misinterpretation of their communication with young persons
  • potential investigation (internal or by statutory agencies)
  • potential disciplinary action

    The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) has provided guidelines to ensure that effective safeguarding measures can be put in place to protect children and young people and to minimise the risk. Click here to access Guidelines on Email Young People.

    It should be noted that sending out group email (ie to more than one person) does present fewer opportunities for misuse and abuse than tht sent to an indivisual. Personal emails between young people and coaches/ volunteers should be discouraged in case there is misinterpretation of intent or content.

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