Dealing with the Media
The abuse of children and the vulnerable is an issue which will generate media interest at any level.
It is important that at all levels within bowls, from Club to NGB that there is an effective strategy for handling media.
If there is an allegation made it is important that initial enquiries are handled in such a way
that it will not aggravate any situation or generate negative publicity.
Be prepared:
- If you are made aware of any allegation of abuse it is important to be prepared in advance for
potential publicity.
- To consult the relevant Lead SO/WO of your NGB (or County SO/WO if appropriate) for advice
and liaise with them giving them all the facts.
- To have a responsible representative to handle media enquiries.
- To be aware of the policy regarding the employment of ex-offenders.
Contact from the press or a journalist
If contacted or approached by a member of the press, it is likely that the journalist might have heard
about an alleged case of abuse from a source or directly from a relative or acquaintance of the alleged victim.
- You are likely to be asked for your response. As the press might approach a NGB, Club or individual,
it is worth remembering that the journalist may already have a story "mapped out", so what you say, and how you say it, is important.
- Make sure you clearly hear the name of the journalist and the media they are working for.
If needed, ask them to repeat so you can take notes.
- Make sure you fully understand what the journalist is asking you, asking them to repeat if needed.
You may be aware of the incident concerned, or you may not be aware of it.
- Do not say "No Comment" as it makes you sound guarded as if you had something to hide.
- Take details of contact telephone where the journalist can be easily contacted and find out what their deadline is.
- Contact your NGB and/or County Associations for advice and to discuss the matter.
They will help you formulate an appropriate response, deal with the journalist on your behalf and inform you of the response made.
Follow up
Be prepared for follow up enquiries (either by telephone or personal contact) as allegations of
abuse are rarely one-day stories. Just because an initial response has been given does not mean to
say that there will be no more questions in the future. Continue to liaise with your NGB and County Body as needed.
Do not comment "Off the record" on any allegations of abuse of children or the vulnerable.
Journalists like nothing better than comments made of this nature. They can use this tool to elicit
more information on the understanding that they will not publish what you say.
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